You know you’re pretty bomb – an awesome creative with a crazy drive to make beautiful things AND chase a lifestyle that brings you happiness and fulfillment.

I’d like to think that I’m part of your tribe too 🙂

I’d love to say that I operate on 100% each moment of each day, constantly pushing forward towards my dreams but – I don’t like lying to you.

You deserve better.

So consider this to be a spot of vulnerability for me.

I need a good swift kick in the ass now and then. Some days my motivation is kicking back with a pina colada on a beach in Tulum, while I’m trying my best to hustle so I can get to that same beach in Tulum.

But if we all waited until our inspiration and motivation we cheering us on…we’d get nowhere.

These are a few ways that I keep myself motivated when my couch & puppy cuddles are calling my name.

1) Pull some espresso and pair that with a tall glass of icy water.

While the caffeine aspect is nice, espresso might be my fave thing to drink so getting myself into a happier headspace gets the creative juices flowing like our river in spring.

Icy water just has a way of turning your Senses dial up to 11, and peps me up even better than the shock of espresso.

2) Set the room

I’m one of those folks that just feels off when my space is cluttered or just like, you know, not exactly how I want it. I get that little voice that nags “this is uncomfortable”. So I usually take a few minutes to tidy up and set my happy space. Bevvies at the ready, essential oil blend in the diffuser, and the Brain Food Spotify playlist always throws me into the right zone.

3) Keep a paper to-do list and check those babies off

I am the Checklist Queen, and I’m embarrassed to admit how much damn joy checking an item off a to-do list brings my little tender heart.

I keep that paper list near me and scratch those babies off as I finish them.

And when I need a Hulk-sized motivational boost I break down those “to-do” items into even smaller ones, just so I get to check ’em off quicker. Sure, the list now has 17 items instead of 5, but look – I already crossed off 8!

So next time you need a swift kick in the pants like I often do, try your version of these things. Let me know how it goes 🙂


Want to take an even bigger flying leap towards your (inevitable) success as an artist?

Watch my FREE masterclass training, Scale Your Art Sales.

It’s the online class for beginner artists that are filled with a fiery creative passion, and want to grow an audience online that actually want to BUY their artwork

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