We’re breaking down something that plagues so many of us when it comes to growing an audience for our art on social media today on the Live Your Art Life podcast…
Mindset for Success
How to Leave Imposter Syndrome in the Dust for Artists
Imposter syndrome getting you down?
Let’s take care of it once and for all!
4 Things You Might Need to Hear Right Now
It can be very scary to push boatloads of energy into something – an idea, a concept, a project – without knowing without a shadow of a doubt that it will succeed. But let me tell you something – your hard work will pay off…
Don’t think that you have an artist story? These questions will help you to find it
I can talk (and do talk) until I’m blue in the face about one particular topic when it comes to artist success: your artist story.
Why you need one, how to tell it, how to find out what it is…
My Secret to Getting Things Done
We are all super busy people, but have you ever stopped to take a critical look at the way you are doing things? Like really take a deep look? How many “I’ll just quickly check Instagram”, or “I’ll answer a few emails” breaks do you take during the day, or how many times do you wrap up another day and can’t really…
Why You Don’t Need Talent To Sell Art
The hardest thing I had to learn as an artist is that my art is enough.
I was scrolling through my Instagram feed which naturally results in a bruised chin as my jaw hits the floor with what feels like every second post….