Art Style

Why You Can Thrive as a Professional Artist Without Art School


In the realm of creativity and expression, the path to becoming a professional artist has traditionally been associated with formal education, particularly through art schools. However, with the advent of digital platforms, evolving societal perspectives, and a growing emphasis on individualized learning, the narrative is shifting. Today, aspiring artists have unprecedented opportunities to forge their […]

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“Capturing Your Creative Essence” 7 Steps to Taking Your Own Artist Portfolio Picture”

Introduction: Your portfolio picture is often the first impression potential clients and collaborators have of you as an artist. Taking control of this image allows you to showcase your creativity and personality. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll walk through the process of capturing a compelling self-portrait for your artist portfolio. Step 1: Define Your Vision […]

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Want to be THAT artist? (You know, the one people actually KNOW about?) Here’s how.

In this day and age everyone and their grandmother can have a presence online. While this is an amazing thing, it also means that you have to fight through the noise in order to be heard.

But having a unique voice will cut through the wall of noise like butter, and attract your true fans – the ones…

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