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“How can I get more followers on Instagram?”
So you want to get more followers on your art on Instagram, eh?
One of the first things you need to be aware of is the threat of purely chasing higher numbers. You want to make sure that everything you are doing is targeted so you are gaining followers that are right for you. That are more…
Are Paid Ads for Artists Worth Your Money?
Are paid ads worth it for artists, or are you just dumping money down the drain?
Let’s find out!
Working Smarter (Not Harder!) As An Artist
Working Smarter (Not Harder!) As An Artist
Selling Your Art Without Feeling Salesy and Gross
Selling Your Art Without Feeling Salesy & Gross
Do You Need a Massive Audience to Sell Your Art?
We’re breaking down something that plagues so many of us when it comes to growing an audience for our art on social media today on the Live Your Art Life podcast…
Do Artists Need Multiple Income Streams?
It goes without saying that artists deserve to be making an income with their artwork (despite what society tells us – silly society!). And consistent income being made from our artwork is even more beautiful…
How to Leave Imposter Syndrome in the Dust for Artists
Imposter syndrome getting you down?
Let’s take care of it once and for all!
3 Easy Tricks To Increase Art Sales
As I was dropping off another car load of unloved small kitchen appliances, clothing and art supplies I’ll never use at the local donation collection, I felt a tasty word buzzing around my head like a moth.
The older I get, the more the concept attracts me. Simple, powerful, effective…
Want to be THAT artist? (You know, the one people actually KNOW about?) Here’s how.
In this day and age everyone and their grandmother can have a presence online. While this is an amazing thing, it also means that you have to fight through the noise in order to be heard.
But having a unique voice will cut through the wall of noise like butter, and attract your true fans – the ones…